Long-Term Benefits of Daily Photo-Protection With a Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen in United States Hispanic Female Population

March 2020 | Volume 19 | Issue 3 | Original Article | 236 | Copyright © March 2020

Published online February 17, 2020

Pearl Grimes MD,a Rebat Halder MD,b Michele Verschoore MD,c Janet Wangari-Talbot PhD,d Kumar Pillai PhD,d Peter Foltis MS,d Charbel Bouez PhD,d Angelike Galdi PhD,d Deena Abdelhalim BA,d I-Chien Liao PhD,d Qian Zheng MD, PhDdR

aThe Vitiligo and Pigmentation Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA bDepartment of Dermatology, Howard University, Washington, DC cL’Oreal Research and Innovation, Paris, France dL’Oreal Research and Innovation, Clark, NJ

geographical location in which the study was conducted (Los Angeles versus Washington, DC) was not a strong contributing factor to any of the observed differences. However, the histological findings in this study are limited by the small number of biopsies obtained.

In summary, this 12-month study on long-term persistent use of an SPF30/PPD20 sunscreen on phototype IV and V subjects demonstrated significant improvement in skin quality and improvement in skin color and photoaging parameters. To our knowledge, this is the first study of this kind in skin of color and Hispanic population. This study confirms that effective sunscreen use is not only protective and beneficial for light skin population but is also critical in improving skin condition for skin of color patients. Overall, the study demonstrates that daily use of sunscreen can protect skin from photo related damage and even reverse some of the photo-damage that has already occurred in skin. In addition to previous studies that demonstrated the photo-protective properties of sunscreen use in normal and diseased skin states7,8,9,10 and in view of the fact that good photoprotection behaviors are not common among Hispanics,14,15,16 studies of this type can help educate and stress the importance of daily use of sunscreen and other sun protection behaviors in Hispanic and other skin of color populations.


The authors state that there is no conflict of interest. This research is sponsored by L’Oreal Research & Innovation.


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Qian Zheng MD PhD qian.zheng@rd.loreal.com