Long-Term Benefits of Daily Photo-Protection With a Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen in United States Hispanic Female Population

March 2020 | Volume 19 | Issue 3 | Original Article | 236 | Copyright © March 2020

Published online February 17, 2020

Pearl Grimes MD,a Rebat Halder MD,b Michele Verschoore MD,c Janet Wangari-Talbot PhD,d Kumar Pillai PhD,d Peter Foltis MS,d Charbel Bouez PhD,d Angelike Galdi PhD,d Deena Abdelhalim BA,d I-Chien Liao PhD,d Qian Zheng MD, PhDdR

aThe Vitiligo and Pigmentation Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA bDepartment of Dermatology, Howard University, Washington, DC cL’Oreal Research and Innovation, Paris, France dL’Oreal Research and Innovation, Clark, NJ

during the winter, in agreement with previous findings.20 With daily application of sunscreen (SPF 30/PPD 20), significant clinical improvements on skin dyschromia-related parameters (skin tone, hyperpigmentation, dark spots) were observed over time at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months compared to baseline (Figure 1), on multiple areas on the face (forehead, temple, crow’s feet, under eye, cheeks). Similar improvements were seen on both hands and neck area (data not shown). Although there is still minor seasonal variation, especially during the first few month of product usage, the overall benefits of sunscreen overcome seasonal effect with a strong and progressive global improvement. In addition to the improvements on skin tone and hyperpigmented areas, significant benefits on skin aging parameters were demonstrated in the sunscreen group, including fine lines, texture smoothness, and overall skin quality (Figure 2) for face, neck, and hands. The improvements were incremental and perceivable. There was minimal improvement on coarse wrinkling an aging sign that requires deeper acting interventions such as retinoids to address. The demonstrated improvement by daily SPF 30/PPD 20 is summarized in Table 1.