Tox Outside the Box: Off-Label Aesthetic Uses of Botulinum Toxin

September 2016 | Volume 15 | Issue 9 | Features | 1151 | Copyright © September 2016

Mary P. Lupo MD FAAD

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

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better idea than flooding the dermis and sub-q with filler. A no-downtime option here is toxin into the superficial fibers of the orbicularis oris to reduce constant lip pursing.3 These patients can be identified with careful observation as they hold tension in their lips and seem to be in a state of constant pursed lips, looking stern and unfriendly. Here I typically start with superficial injections of 6-8 units (Figures 9 and 10).
If when the patient smiles, the tip of the nose dips, 2-3 units into the base of the columella can raise the tip and give it a youthful lift. Injection into the upper lateral nose weakens the nasalis “bunny lines” that can be strengthened from glabellar injections.
When the patient smiles and the gums show, that is called the "gummy smile". It is from excess action of the levator labii alaeque nasi muscles. I start with 2 units into the canine fossa-ala junction (Figures 11 and 12). Here again, better to under- than over-treat. Over-treatment here results in both a longer distance from nose to lip (which is very aging) and/or a Jimmy Carter -like frozen upper lip. This technique is never a good idea in someone with a pencil-thin upper lip.
Injections beyond the lips can also yield important results. Injection of neurotoxin into the depressor angularis oris (the DAO), is becoming a favored treatment to improve downturned oral commissures.4,5,6
The results work best when combined with filler for any volume loss in this area (Figures 13 and 14). Dimpled chins (golf-ball chin) can be softened by injection into the mentalis muscle (Figures 15 and 16).5,7 When you combine toxin injections into the DAO with injections into the superior platysma insertion at the prejowl sulcus, a lifting effect can be seen at the jawline and a shrinking effect of the sub-mandibular salivary gland can be seen as well. Combining orbicularis oris injections with mentalis gives a rejuvenating effect to the entire mouth/chin complex (Figures 17 and 18).
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