Supplement Article: The Role of Epidermal Barrier Dysfunction and Cutaneous Microbiome Dysbiosis in the Pathogenesis and Management of Acne Vulgaris and Rosacea

September 2022 | Volume 21 | Issue 9 | SF3502915 | Copyright © September 2022

Published online August 31, 2022

Justin W. Marson MDa, Neal Bhatia MDb, Emmy Graber MD MBAc, Julie Harper MDd, Peter Lio MDe,f, Brook Tlougan MDg,h, Dillon Nussbaum BSi, Hilary E. Baldwin MDj,k

aDepartment of Dermatology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY;
bDirector of Clinical Dermatology, Therapeutics Clinical Research, San Diego, CA;
c The Dermatology Institute of Boston, Boston, MA;
dThe Dermatology and Skin Care Center of Birmingham, Birmingham AL;
eDepartments of Dermatology & Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL;
f Medical Dermatology Associates of Chicago, Chicago, IL;
g Westmed Medical Group, Purchase, NY;
hDepartment of Dermatology, Columbia University, New York, NY;
i Department of Dermatology, George Washington University, Washington, DC;
j Acne Treatment and Research Center, Brooklyn, NY;
k Department of Dermatology, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ

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