Treatment of Acne Scars With High Intensity Focused Radio Frequency

September 2015 | Volume 14 | Issue 9 | Case Reports | 1065 | Copyright © September 2015

Omar A. Ibrahimi MD PhD,a Robert A. Weiss MD,b Margaret A. Weiss MD,b Christian R. Halvorson MD,b Flor Mayoral MD,c E. Victor Ross MD,d and Joel L. Cohen MDe

aConnecticut Skin Institute, Stamford, CT
bMaryland Laser, Skin & Vein Institute, Hunt Valley, MD
cMayoral Dermatology, Coral Gables, FL
dScripps Clinic, San Diego, CA
eAboutSkin Dermatology & DermSurgery, Englewood, CO

Treatment 1 consisted of 2 passes. The first pass was as follows: Left forehead at depth of 0.75mm, power at level 4, and duration of 80ms. Right forehead at depth of 1mm, power at level 6, and duration of 60ms. Both cheeks at a depth of 2.25mm, power at level 7, and duration of 130ms. Lower eyelids were treated at depth of 0.75mm, power at 6, and duration of 60ms. The second pass treated only both cheeks at depth of 1.5mm, power level of 5, and the duration at 100ms.
Treatment 2 consisted of 2 passes. The first pass was as follows: Left & right forehead at depth of 1mm, power at level 6, and a duration of 60ms. Temples at depth of 1mm, power at 8, and a duration of 60ms. The nose was treated at a depth of 2mm, power at 8, and duration of 90ms. Both cheeks at a depth of 2.25mm, power at level 9, and duration of 110ms. The chin was treated at depth of 2.5mm, power of 9, and duration of 110ms. The second pass treated both cheeks at depth of 1.5mm, power level of 8, and the duration at 90ms, and the nose at 1.5mm, power of 8, and duration of 60ms.
The third treatment also consisted of 2 passes. The first pass was as follows: The full forehead at a depth of 1mm, power level at 7, and duration of 70ms. The nose at a depth of 2mm, power of 8, and duration of 90ms. The cheeks at a depth of 2.5mm, power of 10, and duration at 110ms. The chin was at a depth of 2.5mm, power of 10, and duration of 110ms. The second pass was as follows: The full forehead at 0.5mm, power of 5, and duration of 50ms. The nose at a depth of 1.5mm, power of 8, and duration of 60ms. The cheeks at 2mm, power of 8, and duration of 90ms. The chin at a depth of 2mm, power at 8, and duration of 80ms.
No epidermal changes were experienced.
table 3

Case 4

The patient is a 26-year-old Hispanic male presented with acne scarring from teenage years. No prior treatments were preformed on this patient before the focused RF sessions. Anesthesia was achieved by a 5% topical lidocaine cream applied for 60 minutes plus the application of cold air (Cryo5, Zimmer) at a flow level of 5.
The patient underwent 4 sessions. Each session included 3 passes with the identical settings. The final photo is 2 months after the last treatment.
The settings were: First pass at a depth of 2.25mm, power level of 12, and the pulse duration at 300ms. Second pass was at a depth of 1.75mm, power level at 9, and the pulse duration of 180ms. The third pass was at a depth of 1.25mm, power level of 7, and a pulse duration of 120ms.
The patient reported some swelling for 2-3 days but otherwise was asymptomatic.
table 4


High Intensity Focused RF with insulated microneedles is a relatively new option to treat acne scarring in the United States. Potential advantages of this technology include the ability to treat the full spectrum of skin types with less downtime than