Telogen Effluvium With Dysesthesia (TED) Has Lower B12 Levels and May Respond to B12 Supplementation

November 2018 | Volume 17 | Issue 11 | Features | 1236 | Copyright © November 2018

Theodore Daly MD, Kristin Daly BS

Garden City Dermatology, Garden City, NY

Figure1Quantitative VariablesAll eligible patients had labs drawn at their initial visit. The diagnostic criteria for both groups for Telogen Effluvium included excessive hair shedding with a positive pull test and no associated scalp contact dermatitis, suspect medication use or any other apparent source of shedding. Scalp dysesthesia was defined as burning, soreness, formication, severe itch or pain at any time during, or prior to, the hair shedding that was a significant independent complaint and that occurred for at least one month. The intensity, duration, and frequency of the dysesthesia was variable among the 45 TED patients (see Table 2). Most patients complained that the dysesthesia occurred along with their hair loss, not before or after, and that the intensity of the pain waxed and waned. One patient stated that the pain she experienced was similar to the pain of “ripping a band-aid off”. Another patient stated that the pain she experienced was as if she had banged her head. Many patients specifically complained of a pain similar to having their hair tied back in a pony tail for an extended period of time.