Supplement Individual Article: United States Cutaneous Oncodermatology Management (USCOM) II: A Multidisciplinary-Guided Algorithm for the Prevention and Management of Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Cancer Patients

November 2022 | Volume 21 | Issue 11 | SF35856914 | Copyright © November 2022

Jonathan Leventhal MDa, Mario E. Lacouture MD FAADb, Anneke E. Andriessen PhDc, Beth N. McLellan MDd, Alice Ho MD MBAe

aDepartment of Dermatology, Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale, New Haven, CT
bDivision of Oncodermatology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
cRadboud UMC, Nijmegen and Andriessen Consultants, Malden, The Netherlands
dDepartment of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
eDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

USCOM Algorithm II For the Prevention and Management of Acute RD
The proposed algorithm expands upon a previously published USCOM algorithm for cancer-treatment-related cAEs7 (Figure 1). Modifications include the addition of education before RT, followed by interventions during RT that include specific details on cleansing and treatment interventions tailored to the CTCAE-grade of RD. After completing RT, assessment of cAEs and preventative measures are continued. Each section of the algorithm is chronologically described. Furthermore, the modified algorithm incorporates photographs of the cAEs that correlate with the grade of RD (Figure 2).

Pre-RT Education
Patient education on the RT-related cAEs and proactive steps that can be taken to prevent the development of serious cAEs is an essential first step for clinicians to discuss with patients and encourage their active participation throughout treatment.6-10,19,25

Recommendations include avoiding skin irritants, products with an elevated pH (>7), and scented products.6-10,25 Trauma or friction caused by excessive rubbing or scratching or the use of adhesive bandages and tape that could potentially peel skin upon removal should be avoided.6-10,25 Comfortable clothing made out of breathable, non-abrasive fabrics and supportive