Expanding Use of Deoxycholic Acid for Body Contouring: An Experimental Model for Dilution

September 2021 | Volume 20 | Issue 9 | Editorials | 1017 | Copyright © September 2021

Published online August 25, 2021

Shauna M. Rice BS,a Joseph Caravaglio MD,b Renata Dalla Costa MD,b Arianne Shadi Kourosh MD MPHa,c

aMassachusetts General Hospital Department of Dermatology, Boston, MA
bBrown University Department of Dermatology, Providence, RI
cHarvard Medical School, Boston, MA

with lidocaine with epinephrine and sodium bicarbonate should enhance adipolysis via two distinct mechanisms, with DCA causing cytolysis (adipolysis) via destruction of the cell membrane and the epinephrine stimulating the lipolytic pathway, given that the pH impact of epinephrine is addressed to avoid undermining one of these mechanisms.

Further research is required to determine if the addition of epinephrine could net enhance the adipolytic effects of DCA via the aforementioned mechanisms in clinical studies, particularly if measures are taken to neutralize its impact on the pH of the solution. This experimental model suggests the possibility of dilutions of DCA (2 mL), lidocaine with epinephrine (1 mL), and bicarbonate (0.2 mL) that could maintain a neutral/ alkaline pH while mitigating injection pain, allowing product to be used effectively over larger surface areas, and potentially augmenting the efficacy of injectable DCA.


The authors have no conflicts to report.


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Arianne Shadi Kourosh MD MPH shadi@mail.harvard.edu