Actinic Keratosis: Current Therapies and Insights Into New Treatments

May 2019 | Volume 18 | Issue 5 | Supplement Individual Articles | 161 | Copyright © May 2019

Peter W. Hashim MD MHS,a Tinley Chen BA,a Darrell Rigel MD,c Neal Bhatia MD,e Leon H. Kircik MDa,b,d

aThe Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Dermatology, New York, NY bIndiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN cRonald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY dPhysicians Skin Care PLLC, Louisville, KY eTherapeutics Clinical Research, San Diego, CA

examining 12-week treatment with 10% or 20% VDA-1102 ointment is ongoing ( Identifier: NCT03538951).


Treatment options for AKs continue to expand as pharma-ceutical developers aim to improve clinical efficacy and reduce post-treatment downtime. At present, therapies with the highest levels of lesion clearance—such as 5% 5-FU— are inevitably tied to local skin irritation. Daylight PDT has demonstrated encouraging results and may offer comparable efficacy to conventional PDT with only minimal associated pain. In addition, exploring agents with improved tolerability remains an active area of research. Investigational therapies currently in trial development are utilizing novel mechanisms in order to circumvent the limitations of classic modalities.


Dr. Rigel has served as a consultant and advisory board member for LEO Pharma. Dr. Kircik has served either as an investigator, advisory board member, speaker, or consultant for Almirall, LEO Pharma, and Ortho Dermatologics. Dr. Bhatia has served either as an investigator, advisory board member, speaker, or consultant for Allergan, Biofrontera, Dermira, Dusa, Exeltis, Ferndale, ISDIN, LaRoche-Posay, LEO Pharma, PharmaDerm, Regeneron, Sanofi, SunPharma, and Valeant. Dr. Hashim and Tinley Chen have no conficts.


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Leon H. Kircik MD