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JDD in the News: Vitamin D Supplementation, Acne in People of Color

By Allison Sit

The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology is featured in the June issue of Dermatology Times. The publication included a 2020 JDD study in its article, “COVID-19 Increases Urgency of Addressing Vitamin D Deficiencies in Patients With Skin of Color.” The study, “The Relevance of Vitamin D Supplementation for People of Color in the Era of COVID-19,” by Drs. Pearl Grimes, Nada Elbuluk and Andrew Alexis, suggested that low vitamin D levels could be one of the factors contributing to poor outcomes from COVID-19 in people of color. The authors ask dermatologists to talk with their patients of color about vitamin D as a way of improving patient health both during and beyond the pandemic.

Healio and Dermatology Times highlighted a 2021 JDD study in their articles, “Specialized Treatment Necessary for Acne in Skin of Color” and “Racial and Ethnic Variation in Acne.” The articles highlight the study, “Racial/Ethnic Variations in Acne: Implications for Treatment and Skin Care Recommendations for Acne Patients With Skin of Color,” by Dr. Alexis and colleagues. The study brought six skin of color dermatologists together virtually to discuss questions regarding acne and skin of color. The results of the discussion, combined with a literature review, revealed the need for specialized approaches to therapeutic options and skin care in acne patients with skin of color.

Good Housekeeping cited a JDD study in its article, “What is Chlorophyll Water? Its Health Benefits Are Still Unclear to Researchers.” The article is a response to the latest TikTok trend, where users claim water-soluble chlorophyll clears the skin, reduces bloating and helps with weight loss. The article cites a 2015 JDD study, “Pilot Study of Topical Copper Chlorophyllin Complex in Subjects With Facial Acne and Large Pores,” by Thomas J. Stephens, PhD, John P. McCook, and Dr. James H. Herndon, Jr. The study found a topical formulation containing a liposomal dispersion of sodium copper chlorophyllin complex to be clinically effective and well tolerated for the treatment of mild to moderate acne and large, visible pores when used for 3 weeks.