Dermatology Podcast Archives

See Ya ciAREs: A Review of Mitigation and Management Strategies for Immunotherapy Associated Skin Scares

By November 10, 2023No Comments

Mo’ targeted therapies, mo’skin problems. Some may say, “Bring on the problems” – but why should they have to? Supportive Oncodermatology (SO), a field that is far from fledgling at this point, is here to lessen the burden and enable patients to have their PD-1 antagonizing cake and eat it, too. Podcast host Dr. Adam Friedman sits down for a giant slice of SO pie with Montefiore-Einstein Chief of Dermatology Dr. Beth McLellan to discuss her involvement in the recent publication of a consensus guidance on the management of immunotherapy related cutaneous adverse events in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology. The content: SO helpful, SO practical, SO not to be missed!

Dr. Beth McLellan, Montefiore-Einstein Chief of Dermatology
Dr. Adam Friedman