Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to help you navigate through the site.
Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to help you navigate through the site.
Q: What should I use the Online Image Gallery for?
A: To have access to images that showcase the most common skin conditions among a spectrum of skin tones. We encourage everyone to study and appreciate the nuances between different skin tones.
Q: Can I use the Atlas images?
A: Yes, the Atlas images are intended for non-commercial educational use only. Please review the Image Terms for more information.
Q: Can I use an Atlas image for commercial use or to accommodate a manuscript?
A: Please contact us to inquire about image permissions.
Q: Are the images free?
A: The images are free for non-commercial educational use. If you are looking to use an image otherwise, please contact us. Please review the Image Terms for more information.
Q: Can I crop the watermark out of the image?
A: No. The images are not intended to be altered in any way. If you would like to use an altered version of an image, please review the Image Terms for more information.
Q: Do you offer images without the Atlas watermark?
A: You may contact us to inquire about image permissions.
Q: Do the images come in higher quality?
A: Yes, please contact us to inquire more about the image quality and permissions.
Q: Are the images computer generated?
A: No, the images are real patients—real skin.
Q: Where are the images from?
A: The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas publication, a product of SanovaWorks. Other publications from SanovaWorks include The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology and Dermatology In-Review.
Q: Do I need to include an image credit?
A: Please include: Image Credit: The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas
Q: Will you add more images to the Online Image Gallery?
A: Yes, we will include images that go through our Advisory Council approval process.
Q: How do I download images from the Online Image Gallery to use in my lectures or presentations?
A: Simply follow these steps or watch our “how to” video to make your educational materials truly inclusive: