A 27-year-old Caucasian woman with a history of cryptogenic
renal failure presented with a 1.5-year history of
asymptomatic papules on her central face, which developed
six months after a kidney transplant. The papules progressed
to involve the forehead, ears, and forearms. Her posttransplant
immunosuppressant regimen included tacrolimus
and mycophenolate mofetil.
On physical examination, the patient had flesh- to pinkcolored
folliculocentric papules, some with spinous
protuberances (Figure 1a). Histopathologic examination
revealed massively dilated follicles with keratotic plugging
of the infundibula. An abrupt change to inner root sheathtype
cornification and the absence of hair shafts were
noted (Figure 2). Also present in the perifollicular epithelium
were vacuolated keratinocytes with numerous coarse
trichohyaline granules. The constellation of clinical and his-

topathologic findings was consistent with viral-associated
trichodysplasia of immunosuppression.
Viral-associated trichodysplasia of immunosuppression, previously
termed trichodysplasia spinulosa, is a relatively
newly-described entity.1 This condition has been reported in immunosuppressed
transplant patients and in patients receiving
chemotherapy for hematolymphoid malignancies.2,3,4 The classic
clinical features include asymptomatic or mildly pruritic folliculocentric
flesh- to pink-colored papules that exhibit a predilection
for the central face.1 There may be infiltration and distortion of
facial features, particularly of the nose.1 Alopecia with spine-like
projections replacing hairs may be seen, affecting the eyebrows
and eyelashes.5 Without treatment, the lesions may progress to
involve the trunk and extremities.6 Electron microscopy studies
have revealed intranuclear icosahedral viral particles that
are morphologically suggestive of a polyomavirus.1, 2,4,7, 8 Re-