A Novel Protection and Repair Skincare Regimen Shows Efficacy for Improving Environmental Skin Aging

October 2024 | Volume 23 | Issue 10 | 866 | Copyright © October 2024

Published online September 30, 2024


Patricia K. Farris MDa, Zoe Diana Draelos MDb, Yohei Tanaka MD PhDc, Vivian Bucay MDd, Amaryllis Aganahi M. Biotech e, Natasha Ribeiro BSce, Richard Parker Dip Cos Sce

aTulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA
bDermatology Consulting Services, PLLC, High Point, NC
cClinica Tanaka Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery and Anti-aging Center, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
dBucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
eRATIONALE, Kyenton, Victoria, Australia

Background: Skin aging is accelerated by environmental exposures including solar radiation and pollutants. Thus, protecting skin from environmental exposure and repairing ensuing damage is essential for keeping skin healthy and appearing youthful.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical benefits of a novel skincare regimen designed to provide comprehensive environmental protection in the daytime and repair environmentally damaged skin at night.
Methods: Thirty participants, including males and females, with mild-to-moderate extrinsic aging, were enrolled in a 12-week single-site study. Participants used the regimen (The Essential Six, RATIONALE, Victoria, Australia) comprised of 3 products to protect the skin in the morning and 3 products to repair the skin at night. Participants were seen at baseline and evaluated for efficacy and tolerability at weeks 2, 6, and 12. Non-invasive measurements to evaluate hydration, transepidermal water loss, skin tone, and elasticity were conducted.
Results: The dermatologist investigator noted across-the-board improvement in all evaluated parameters, except deep wrinkles. By week 12, there were statistically significant (P<0.001) improvements in radiance (43%), tactile roughness (48%), visual roughness (44%), firmness (32%), clarity/even skin tone (21%), and overall appearance (29%). Fine lines improved 16% at week 12 (P=0.002). Participant self-assessment revealed statistically significant and progressive improvement in all evaluated parameters over time. No tolerability issues were identified by the investigator, while a small number of participants reported mild stinging and some dryness that resolved over time. This was likely due to the high concentration of active ingredients found in this regimen. Corneometry revealed improved skin hydration of 28% as early as week 2.
Conclusion: The data presented confirms that this novel protection and repair regimen improves the appearance of environmentally aged skin.

J Drugs Dermatol. 2024;23(10):866-872. doi:10.36849/JDD.8274


The skin is the most exposed organ to the environment. Solar radiation, pollutants, and fluctuations in temperature are all environmental factors that can impact skin. These environmental exposures are part of the exposome and are known to accelerate skin aging.1 Solar radiation is likely the most damaging environmental exposure and is estimated to be responsible for 80% of skin aging seen on the face of Caucasian patients.2 Chronic sun exposure causes an increase in epidermal thickness, pigment heterogeneity, deposition of elastotic material, degradation of collagen, and formation of ectatic blood vessels.2 The phenotype of photoaging includes mottled hyperpigmentation, lentigines, coarse wrinkling, telangiectasia, sallowness, dryness, and roughness.3 In addition, chronic UV exposure causes mutagenesis resulting in the formation of actinic keratoses and skin cancers.4 Thus, preventing sun exposure is important for maintaining skin health and a youthful appearance.

The solar spectrum is a wide range of electromagnetic energies emitted by the sun. The UV component includes UVC (100-290 nm), UVB (290-320 nm), and UVA (320-400 nm). UVC is absorbed completely by the ozone layer, whereas UVB and UVA reach the earth’s surface.5 UVB is almost completely absorbed by the epidermis with very little reaching the dermis. UVB exposure increases stratum corneum (SC) thickness and compromises barrier function by altering SC lipids.6,7 UVB is responsible for sunburn and damages DNA directly resulting in cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) or 6,4-photoproducts that induce mutagenesis and skin cancer.4   UVA penetrates down to the level of the dermis and is a major contributor to photoaging. UVA is absorbed by various chromophores in the skin resulting in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).8 ROS cause oxidation of DNA, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and organelles, such as mitochondria, and contributes to photoaging and photocarcinogenesis.9 ROS also activate redox-sensitive transcription factors, including activator protein 1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor kappa beta.10 AP-1 is responsible for the production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade dermal collagen, and nuclear factor kappa beta triggers pro-inflammatory cytokines that contribute to skin aging, so-called inflammaging. 

There is also evidence that longer wavelengths of light outside the UV spectrum contribute to skin aging.11-16  Studies have demonstrated that visible light (VL) (400-700 nm) can induce immediate pigment darkening and sustained skin pigmentation.12,13 It is also of interest that VL induces erythema and tanning in darker skin types but does not have this effect in lighter skin.14 VL also increases ROS, proinflammatory cytokines, and MMP expression in the skin.15,16 Thus, VL potentiates the detrimental effects of UV on skin aging. Infrared (IR) also plays a role in skin aging. IR is divided into IRA (799-1400 nm), IRB (1400-3000 nm), and IRC (3000 nm-1 mm).11 IRA, also called near infrared (NIR), is the most energetic and penetrates deeply into the skin, reaching the deep dermis and subcutaneous layer.17 IRA exposure increases MMPs and decreases collagen synthesis in lightly pigmented skin, while in darker skin, IRA increases melanin production but has little effect on dermal matrix proteins.18 IRA induces changes in the skin similar to photoaging including deposition of elastotic material and angiogenesis.17 IRA is also known to increase mitochondrial ROS production disrupting the electron transport chain and accelerating skin aging.19-21  

The role of pollutants in skin aging is now well recognized.22-28 In urban areas, levels of ozone, or O3, can reach toxic concentrations, especially during the summer months.23 Ozone does not penetrate the stratum corneum but causes damage by inducing oxidative stress in the SC via the formation of lipid peroxidation products.24 Ozone exposure depletes the skin of antioxidants and results in a reduction in collagen I and collagen III. In 2 large cohorts of elderly German patients, O3 exposure was shown to be associated with increased facial wrinkling but not brown spots, and this was independent of sun exposure.25 Particulate matter (PM) is the principal component of air pollution and contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals, and inorganic and organic toxins.22 PAHs induce aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling and gene expression in human epidermal keratinocytes.26 A recent study demonstrated that exposure to traffic-related air pollution was associated with an increase in the formation of lentigines in Caucasian and Asian populations.27 Thus, it appears that increases in ground-level ozone are associated with wrinkling, while PM produces pigmentation seen in extrinsic skin aging.28

Although broad-spectrum sunscreens are effective against UV light, they do not confer protection against VL, IR, or pollutants. Therefore, more advanced skin regimens are required for comprehensive environmental protection. In addition, consumers desiring a more youthful appearance seek products that can repair existing environmental damage. In this study, a 6-step skincare regimen (RATIONALE Essential Six, Victoria, Australia), including daily protection and repair formulations, was tested in patients with mild-to-moderate photoaging. Each product has been carefully formulated with ingredients curated to provide optimal environmental protection and repair (Table 1).