The role of genetics in the development of psoriasis has
been recognized for more than six decades.1 Psoriasis
harbors a significant heritable component that is wellestablished,
and a family history of two affected parents portends
a greater than 40% chance of developing the disease in
the offspring.2 This risk diminishes to 14% if one parent is affected
and 6% if a sibling is affected, compared to 2% when there
is no family history.2 Predisposition to psoriasis is regarded as
a polygenetic disorder, possessing a complex pattern of heritability
with a strong HLA association.3 Currently, the psoriasis
susceptibility locus 1 (PSORS1) is most strongly implicated in
disease risk. PSORS1 is a roughly 300 kb interval imbedded in
the 3.6 Mb major histocompatibility complex that contains HLA
genes associated with psoriasis.4 HLA serotype C*06 is located
within the PSORS1 interval and demonstrates the largest overall
relative risk for familial psoriasis.5 HLA-C*06 and candidate
genes linked to this allele are those most strongly implicated in
the pathogenesis of the disease,6 yet, only approximately 10%
of individuals carrying HLA-C*06 will actually manifest characteristic
signs of psoriasis.7 Despite HLA-C*06 representing a
validated psoriasis risk allele, it is also clear that predisposition
for psoriasis is multifactorial. In addition to PSORS1, multiple
other genetic loci on multiple different chromosomes have
been linked to psoriasis susceptibility,8 including those containing
genes that encode proteins involved in skin barrier function
and innate and adaptive immunity.9
Data from twin studies supports an important genetic contribution
to psoriasis, demonstrating 40% concordance amongst monozygotic
twins but only 10% in dizygotic twins in one study.10 The
discordance rate was also much lower in monozygotic (17%)
compared to dizygotic (33%) twins.10 The lack of 100% concordance
in monozygotic twins necessitates involvement of other
critical factors in addition to strict genetic inheritance,11 and suggests
that disease susceptibility likely involves multiple genes on
different chromosomes. Furthermore, the observation that twin
concordance rates vary greatly based on geography – lower in
Norway12 and Australia11 compared to the United States10 and Denmark13
– raises the question of the interaction of environmental
and lifestyle factors, such as ultraviolet radiation/solar exposure
and diet, with various genetic predispositions. The likely role
of environmental factors to promote or suppress development
or activity of psoriasis is most dramatically illustrated by the development
of guttate psoriasis following group A beta-hemolytic
streptococcal throat infection in patients carrying the HLA-C*06
allele.14 A novel mechanism that is gaining better understanding
by which the environmental and the genetic components of
psoriasis may interact is through epigenetic phenomena.