Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is rare tumor.
DFSP only represents 1-2% of all soft tissue sarcomas.1
The overall incidence of DFSP ranges from 0.8 per million
to 5 per million. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results (SEER) Program, overseen by the National Cancer Institute,
reports 4.2 per million. This tumor can take months to
years to grow. As a result, definitive diagnosis is usually delayed.
The tumor is usually freely mobile, although some may
be found adherent to the underlying periosteum or fascia. In
this review, we summarize the salient features of this condition
and outline novel treatment approaches, including medical
therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibition.
Brief Overview
DFSP occurs most frequently at the age ranges of 20 to 50. The
most common area on which DFSP originates is the trunk (50-
60%), followed by proximal extremities (20-30%), and the head
and neck (10-15%). It is more common in males. DFSP often
mimics a scar in presentation. DFSP presents as a pink nodule
which may occasionally ulcerate. It also presents as a firm,
flesh-colored to brown plaque (Figures 1 and 2). These may
become highly indurated and exophytic. These tumors rarely
metastasize, but they are locally aggressive.1
The differential diagnosis includes atypical fibroxanthoma, dermatofibroma,
fibrosarcoma, and nodular fasciitis. DFSP can be
differentiated from fibrosarcomas in that they are usually shallower
in depth and have less cytologic atypia. Fibrosarcomas
also may contain mucinous stroma with multinucleated giant
cells, unlike DFSP. In addition, DFSP is positive for CD34 immunohistochemical
stains, while dermatofibroma is positive for
coagulation factor XIIIa. Atypical fibroxanthomas are usually
more pleomorphic and less infiltrative than DFSP. Furthermore,
multinucleated giant cells and solar elastosis can be found in
fibroxanthomas but not in DFSP. The pigmented variant, also
known as Bednar tumor, is composed of spindle cells with
melanin-containing dendritic cells. This only represents 1% of
all DFSP subtypes. The myxoid subtype has a myxoid stromal
pattern with multinodular growth and numerous blood vessels.
The giant cell fibroblastoma subtype of DFSP appears similar
to the pigmented variant, but with myxoid stroma and pseudo-
vascular spaces containing multinucleated giant cells. This
occurs mostly in children. The fibrosarcomatous subtype is a
low-grade form with interspersed cellular atypia and increased
mitoses. Interestingly, the fibrosarcomatous foci are either
weakly staining for CD34 or are CD34 negative, while the areas
not containing cellular atypia (more representative of classic
DFSP) are CD34 positive.2 Pathology shows atypical spindle
cells of fibroblast origin surrounding a core of collagen.3
Treatment Options
Excision: Mohs surgery versus standard excision
The definitive treatment of DFSP is surgical excision.1 Wide local
excision with 3-centimeter margins yields less recurrence
than simple excision. Nevertheless, wide local excision still
has about a 20% recurrence rate. Common practice is to perform
deeper excisions containing subcutaneous fat, underlying
fascia, and even periosteum and bone. The recommended margin
is 2 to 3 centimeters. To date, a handful of studies have
reported the outcomes of patients with various excisional
margins, as summarized in Table 1.2, 4-17 Mohs micrographic
surgery has also been used for the surgical treatment of DFSP.
Due to the precise and real-time tumor mapping of this technique,
maximal tissue sparing can be achieved. Furthermore,
this technique is more likely to yield complete surgical clearance
without recurrence, especially since this tumor grows
asymmetrically and may have several eccentric projections
throughout the dermis. Some trials have demonstrated recur-