Anesthetic Blister Induction to Identify Biopsy Site Prior to Mohs Surgery
Wrong-site surgeries in dermatology are not uncommon
due to difficulty finding the initial biopsy site.
In fact, a survey of Mohs surgeons indicated that
14% of malpractice cases resulted from wrong-site surgery.1 The
Mohs surgeon may be unable to determine the surgical site if
the referring physician does not include detailed documentation,
such as a photograph, diagram, or written description of the biopsy
site including anatomical landmarks as reference.2 However,
patients often return for Mohs surgery many weeks following
the initial biopsy. By this time, the biopsy site has healed and
become less visible to both patient and physician, making it difficult even with proper documentation. Patients themselves may
have incorrect site recall, particularly if the biopsy was in a location
not visible to the patient.2 A study by Perri et al revealed
that 31.4% of patients could not accurately identify their biopsy
site.4 Despite these attempts to decrease wrong-site surgery, further
techniques are exigent in confirming the surgical site.
Dermoscopy is one such technique that helps visualize the
scarring and telangiectasias from a prior biopsy site.5 Ultraviolet-
fluorescent tattoo dyes is another method that allows
visualization of a biopsy site under a Wood’s lamp, even 14
months after biopsy.6 Finally, curettage takes advantage of
the friable nature of skin cancers, revealing the biopsy site
upon scraping the suspected area.7 The proposed technique of
blister induction through intradermal anesthetic injection also
takes advantage of the inherent nature of skin cancer.
In skin cancer, keratinocytes lack the cohesion to one another
that is normally found in unaffected skin. This is due to
increased cell turnover, with rapid proliferation and decreased
desmosomal attachments, in addition to a looser stroma allowing
tumor cells to separate easier. This objective finding
provides advantageous identification of presurgical margins,
which can be recognized by curettage or in this method by
blister formation secondary to anesthetic injection followed by
curettage debulking. Upon injection of an anesthetic prior to
Mohs surgery, a blister forms as a result of the hydrostatic pressure
that accumulates within the cancerous skin. Desmosomal
attachments, structure, and function are limited in malignant
processes, therefore the anesthetic blister is not time sensitive
and ensues initially upon injection administration. In our case
study this patient presented with a clearly identifiable neoplasm,
which was biopsied and histologically diagnosed as a
squamous cell carcinoma (Figure 1). Subsequently, the patient
was scheduled for Mohs surgery. On presentation for the surgical
procedure, the initial biopsy site was not clearly identifiable
and delayed initiation of treatment (Figure 2). It is apparent
that identification of the prior surgical site is obscured for
various reasons as mentioned above. Upon injection of local
anesthetic, blister formation was developed in the initial biopsy
site, clearly depicting our surgical location. (Figure 3). This is
a clear example of how a new technique of blister formation