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Prevention is the Best Medicine: ADing up the Data

By January 4, 2024August 19th, 2024No Comments

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JDD Podcast

Prevention is the Best Medicine: ADing up the Data

Dr. Candrice Heath, Dr. Jonathan O’B. Hourihane & Dr. Adam Friedman

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Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is the second most common chronic inflammatory (coming for you acne!) which unapologetically imparts a tremendous burden on society as a whole. But what if you could jump in the DeLorean with Doc Brown, rev up to 88 miles per hour, and go back in time to stop it in the first place…would you? Um, of course you would. Well time travel isn’t a thing yet, so we need to do the next best thing and try to prevent disease in high-risk individuals from day one – literally. Does this work, you say? We get it, the flip-flopping evidence can make anyone confused but have no fear as help is here. JDD Podcast host Dr. Adam Friedman is joined by clarifying captains of industry Dr. Candrice Heath and Dr. Jonathan Hourihane to review best practices to identify AD high risk infants, what to do about it, and what the evidence tells us. STOP AD… both our goal and the name of the innovative study about which you need to be “poducated.”

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HOST: Adam Friedman, MD, FAAD
GUESTS: Candrice R. Heath, MD, FAAP, FAAD & Prof. Jonathan O’B. Hourihane, MD

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