JDD Podcast
Rocking the Red: A Rosacea Research and Real World Roundup
Dr. Richard Gallo & Dr. Adam Friedman
Rosacea is a complex, chronic inflammatory skin disease that is certainly not rockin for those who suffer with it. The pathophysiology is a smorgasbord of barrier dysfunction, reduced antioxidant capacity, inappropriate immune response, dysbiosis, and neurovascular dysregulation just to name a few. Much of what we know about this biological mess and translational understanding of our therapies comes from the legendary Dr. Richard Gallo, Distinguished Professor and Founding Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at the University of California, San Diego.
Join host Dr. Adam Friedman as he readily runs through the bench to bedside gamut of rosacea. What are the major pathophysiologic pathways we should all know about? If we are to follow the data, how does out armament of FDA approved therapeutics fit in? So glad you asked! Re(a)dy, set, press play.
This podcast is supported by an independent medical education grant provided by Galderma.
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