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Response To “The Potential Impact of Off-Label Medication Use on Patient Access: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Minoxidil Availability”

By September 10, 2024No Comments
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology JDD article about social media and the algorithm for beauty standards

JDD Article Highlight

A JDD Letter to the Editor titled:  Response To “The Potential Impact of Off-Label Medication Use on Patient Access: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Minoxidil Availability” is in response to the article by Desai et al. on off-label minoxidil use, dermatologists highlight how the growing popularity of low-dose oral minoxidil (LDOM), especially after a 2022 New York Times article, contributed to nationwide shortages. A Google Trends analysis showed a significant increase in searches for LDOM following the article’s publication. The shortage underscores the ongoing struggle for alopecia patients to access necessary treatments, often dismissed as “cosmetic care” by insurers. Dermatologists call for better advocacy to ensure timely, affordable access to alopecia treatments critical for patient well-being.