This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from
the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.
In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.
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