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- Growing Patient Education in Dermatology: An Upside-Down Tree Analogy for Immunomodulatory Therapies
As patient autonomy gains momentum in the era of readily accessible health information, dermatologists bear a growing responsibility in patient education. With the rapid evolution and development of targeted therapies for dermatologic conditions, clinicians are faced with questions from patients regarding the mechanisms of action and side effects of novel therapeutic agents. We present an educational aid to be used in patient counseling to describe and compare the mechanisms of traditional immunosuppressive medications and targeted agents such as biologics and small molecule inhibitors
Oxidative damage from reactive oxygen species is instrumental in aging. Topical antioxidants are used in many cosmeceuticals to provide appearance benefits; however, the activity of these antioxidants may be questionable. This research validated the activity of L-ascorbic acid and L-glutathione in the studied facial product and correlated this activity with clinical appearance improvement following 12 weeks of use.