Atopic DermatitisFeatured PodcastPodcast Highlights

Insights On the Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult AD Patient

By January 11, 2021April 1st, 2022No Comments

JDD Multimedia

JDD Podcast

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Insights On the Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult AD Patient

Dr. Peter Lio, Dr. Lindsay Finklea & Dr. Adam Friedman


You can’t truly understand someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. This is true to so many aspects of daily life, especially when it comes to chronic, relapsing, relentless medical issues. Enter the poster child: Atopic Dermatitis (AD). This exceedingly common chronic inflammatory disease is unavoidable in practice, and to best manage/partner with the millions of patients out there, it is on us to view/appreciate this condition beyond the practitioner lens.

In this 3rd episode of a 5 part podcast series, host Dr. Adam Friedman is joined by Dr. Lindsey Finklea, a practicing dermatologist and parent/caregiver of a child with severe AD, and Dr. Peter Lio, podcast veteran and AD focused Derm extraordinaire, to discuss the issues affecting patient-family/patient-caregiver interactions and offer clinical pearls for effective management strategies to best assist the needs of parents, families and caregivers for patients with the AD.

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This podcast is supported by an independent medical education grant provided by Sanofi Genzyme & Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.


Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this podcast, learners should be able to:
  • Cite the unique clinical implications of atopic dermatitis specific to the pediatric, adolescent and adult AD patient; and
  • Recognize the impact of AD on the patient-family and patient-caregiver dynamic


Adam Friedman, MD, FAAD – Grant/Research: Aclaris, CPN, Almirall. Consultant: SanovaWorks, Oakstone Institute, L’oreal, La Roche Posay, Galderma, Aveeno, Valeant, Microcures, Biogen, Pfizer, G&W Laboratories, Novartis, Occulus, Intraderm, Encore, Exeltis, Menlo, Lilly, Aclaris, Dermira, Berg, Allergan, Zylo Therapeutics, Hoth. Speakers’ Bureau: Regeneron, Dermira, Janssen, AbbVie. Major Stock Shareholder: Zylo, Minorcures.
Peter Lio, MD – Advisory Board: Altus Labs, Arbonne, Bodewell, Dermavant Sciences, DermTap, Inc., DermVeda, gpower, inc., IntraDerm Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Company, Menlo Therapeutics, Micreos Human Health B.V., Modernizing Medicine, National Eczema Association, Realm Therapeutics, Regeneron, Sanofi US Services, Syncere Skin Systems, UCB, Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc, YobeeCare Inc. Board of Directors: National Eczema Association. Consultant: AbbVie, Amyris, Inc., Burt’s Bees, Dermira, Eli Lilly and Company, Exeltis, Franklin BioScience, Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., L’Oreal USA Inc., LEO Laboratories Ltd (LEO Pharma), Odeza LLC, Theraplex, TopMD, Unilever. Investigator: AbbVie, AOBiome, LLC, La Fondation pour la Dermatite Atopique (Foundation for Atopic Dermatitis, National Eczema Association, Regeneron. Speaker: Galderma USA, La Roche-Posay Laboratorie Pharmaceutique, Pfizer Inc., Pierre Fabre Dermatologie, Regeneron. Stockholder: LearnHealth/LearnSkin, Medable, Modernizing Medicine. Royalties: Theraplex.
Lindsay Finklea, MD – No relevant disclosures.

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