Avast array of choices are available for skin moisturizers,
making the selection process an overwhelming task for
both consumers and health care practitioners. Despite
this problem, few studies have compared the physicochemical
properties between various brands in an independent fashion.
The Acid Mantle
Healthy human skin lies in the pH range of 4 to 6. 1-4 An increase
in stratum corneum (SC) pH can disrupt the activity of enzymes
involved in keratinization, barrier restoration, and anti-microbial function. 5-6 This phenomenon is seen in atopic dermatitis 7-9
and other xerotic skin diseases 10-11 and correlates with disease
severity of dryness, 9 pruritus, 8 and total skin involvement. 3,6,8
Chemicals applied to the skin are an important exogenous factor that may stabilize the skin's acid mantle. 3 Therefore, topical
products with near-physiologic pH are considered best in prevention and treatment of these same skin abnormalities. 3
Formulations of Moisturizers
Topical products are traditionally divided into very limited
and general classes, namely ointment, cream, lotion, gel, and
foam.12 There have been many modern additions and changes to these standard excipients. The "lotion"from one manufacturer may be significantly texturally more viscous than the
"cream" of another manufacturer. This system creates obvious confusion in selecting an emollient with the desirable
texture and reflects the need for a more precise and standardized classification. In an attempt to address this problem, we
introduce Hydrophilic Index (HI) as a novel methodology to
measure the aqueous component of a topical product, and utilize it as an indirect quantification of "greasiness."
In this study, we assessed the pH and HI of 31 skin moisturizers
sold in the US, and then combined these two parameters to
determine which products have the most potential to restore
SC acid milieu and provide sufficient hydration, yet possess the
appropriate aqueous content to suit user preference.
pH Measurement
A pea sized amount of moisturizer was placed on Parafilm®
wrap. pH was measured using a glass flat tip electrode (Hanna®
HI 99191) with accuracy: pH = ± 0.02 at 25°C. All measurements
were performed 5 times to achieve their standard deviations.