Exacerbation of Paranoid Schizophrenia in a Psoriatic Patient after Treatment with Cyclosporine A, but not with Etanercept

October 2007 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | Case Reports | 1046 | Copyright © October 2007

Sergio Di Nuzzo MD, Martina Zanni MD, Giuseppe De Panfilis MD

Psoriasis may be frequently associated with psychiatric diseases. We present a 44-year-old man undergoing cyclosporine therapy for treatment of generalized plaque psoriasis which exacerbated his symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, and disappeared a few days after discontinuation of cyclosporine. Replacement therapy with etanercept achieved clinical remission of psoriasis without any psychiatric side effects. Systemic medications, such as cyclosporine and etanercept, induce modifications of the cytokine network. This is pathogenetically significant in both psoriasis and psychiatric disorders. This case report suggests that dermatologists need to become more familiar with the risk-benefit of drug-induced cytokines dysregulation in psoriatic patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders.