New Insights Into Ideal Skin Care for the Acne Patient: Addressing Skin Barrier Disruption, Oil Control, and Ultraviolet Protection Through Advanced Formulations

August 2014 | Volume 13 | Issue 8 | Department | 85 | Copyright © August 2014


Impaired epidermal barrier function plays a role in causing inflammatory dermatoses, so skin care regimens are recognized by dermatologists to be critical for efficient barrier function and healthy skin. Acne vulgaris, however, has always presented a challenge when it comes to skin care products, as a delicate balance needs to be struck between maintaining the skin barrier whilst controlling oil and shine.

Cetaphil® DermaControl™ Moisturizer SPF 30 (Galderma Laboratories, L.P., Fort Worth, Texas) is a new widely available and affordable skin care therapy specifically designed for use by patients with acne-prone skin and acne-affected skin. Its state-of-the-art psuedoceramide technology helps maintain barrier function without adding excessive surface greasiness, which leads to better compliance and fewer side effects; and it also provides protection against ultraviolet radiation.