Association of Angiokeratoma of the Vulva With Angioma Serpiginosum

September 2008 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | Case Reports | 882 | Copyright © September 2008

M.R. Namazi MD, M. Maghsoodi MD

Angioma serpiginosum is a rare benign vascular disorder usually beginning in childhood. It is characterized clinically by multiple min- ute, bright red to purple, grouped macules and histopathologically by an ectatic dilatation of capillaries. Angiokeratoma of the vulva is an uncommon lesion occurring in older women. It consists of purple papular lesions measuring less than 1 cm in diameter and characterizing histopathologically by hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis, acanthosis, and dilated vasculature in the papillary dermis.